Pick any 9 flavors and get 2 muffins FREE!
Step 1: Select 11 Muffins of your choice Step 2: Optionally Select Any Additional Snacks Step 3: Check Out
Discount is automatically applied at checkout. Coupon codes can be combined with offer.
Note: (Not visible on storefront)
Do not change/remove the product options. Otherwise, new variants cannot be generated Do not remove duplicated products manually. Otherwise, you may corrupt the bundle Deleting or turning this bundle product to draft will stop the bundle from working. Each variant is a bundle built by a customer, this means that deleting variants will prevent that customer from checking out. Please wait for a few seconds on the checkout page so the products can be loaded into your cart.
[[ product.title ]]
[[ displayPrice(price) ]]
[[ option.name ]]:
The item has been added to your meal plan!
[[ product.description ]]
[[ option.name ]]:
The item has been added to your meal plan!
{buildrule.selectedOptionValues = selectedOptionValues; applyToAll()}"> [[ $t('message.bundleAddedToCart') ]]
[[ $t('message.noteHeader') ]] * [[ $t('message.required') ]] {addToCart(); showSubscriptionModel = false}"> ` }; vueApp.component('tab', tab); const filters = { props: ['buildrule'], emits: ['selected', 'tag-selected'], data() { return { selectedOptionValues: ['','',''], // each variant must have 3 options product: this.buildrule.json_products[0], selectedTag: '' } }, compilerOptions: {delimiters: ['[[', ']]'],}, computed: { }, methods: { hasApplyToAll(filter) { return filter.type === 'apply_to_all' }, selectTag(filter) { console.log('in selectTag', this.selectedTag) filter.selectedTag = this.selectedTag this.$emit('tagSelected', this.buildrule, this.selectedTag) } }, template: `
[[ option.name ]]:
Filter by:
` }; vueApp.component('filters', filters); const productCard = { props: ['product', 'buildrulesIndex', 'buildrule', 'isTopTier', 'priceWithCurrency'], emits: ['clicked', 'reset'], compilerOptions: { delimiters: ['[[', ']]'], }, components: { 'quickview-modal': quickviewModal, 'byob-reviews': (typeof byob_reviews === 'undefined')? '' : byob_reviews, }, data() { return { selectedOptionValues: ['','',''], // each variant must have 3 options selectedVariantPrice: '', compare_at_price: '', available: this.product.available, selectedVariantID: '', pickedVariant: '', pickedVariantIndex: 0, featureImage: this.product.featured_image, NotAvailableMsg: this.$i18n.t('message.soldOut'), quantity: 1, currencySymbol: currencySymbol, currencyCode: currencyCode, linkDisabled: disable_product_link, enableQuickview: enable_quickview, showQuickviewIcon: false, showQuickviewModel: false, } }, computed: { productLink() { return byob_base_url + 'products/'+ this.product.handle }, buttonText() { return (this.available ? this.$i18n.t('message.addToBundle') : this.NotAvailableMsg); }, disableAdd() { if (!this.buildrule.operator || this.buildrule.operator === '==') return this.buildrule.isCompleted else if (this.buildrule.operator === '>=') // at least, no limit return false else if (this.buildrule.operator === '<=') return this.buildrule.remaining_quantity === 0 else if (this.buildrule.operator === '<') return this.buildrule.remaining_quantity === 1 }, notTracked() { return (this.pickedVariant.inventory_management === null || this.pickedVariant.inventory_policy === 'continue') }, maxQuantity() { // max quantity can be added to bundle if (this.notTracked) // hard code to 100 if not tracked return 100 else if (this.pickedVariant.inventory_quantity) return Math.min(this.buildrule.remaining_quantity, this.pickedVariant.inventory_quantity) else return this.buildrule.remaining_quantity }, exceedMaxQuantity() { if (this.notTracked) return false return ((!this.buildrule.operator || this.buildrule.operator == '==' || this.buildrule.operator == '<=') && this.quantity >= this.maxQuantity) }, }, mounted() { // preset first selected option to the first available variantlet firstVariant = this.product.variants.find(v => v.available) if (firstVariant === undefined) firstVariant = this.product.variants[0] if (firstVariant.option1 != null) this.selectedOptionValues[0] = firstVariant.option1 if (firstVariant.option2 != null) this.selectedOptionValues[1] = firstVariant.option2if (firstVariant.option3 != null) this.selectedOptionValues[2] = firstVariant.option3 this.selectedVariantPrice = this.toReadablePrice(firstVariant.price); this.compare_at_price = this.toReadablePrice(firstVariant.compare_at_price); this.selectedVariantID = firstVariant.id; this.pickedVariant = firstVariant; this.available = firstVariant.available; if (typeof initProductCard === 'function') initProductCard(this) }, methods: { toReadablePrice(price) { if (typeof same_as_footer_format !== 'undefined') return this.priceWithCurrency(price / 100.0) return (price / 100.0).toFixed((typeof customDecimalPlace === 'undefined')? 2 : customDecimalPlace) }, applyToAll() {// console.log('BYOB: In applyToAll method') // if (this.buildrule.filters && this.buildrule.filters.apply_to_all && if (this.buildrule.selectedOptionValues) { this.selectedOptionValues = this.buildrule.selectedOptionValues this.selectVariant() } }, resetQuantity() { this.quantity = 1 }, // use variant feature or else product feature image setFeatureImage(variant) { if (variant.featured_image && variant.featured_image.hasOwnProperty('src') && variant.featured_image.src) this.featureImage = variant.featured_image.src; else if (!variant.featured_image && this.product.featured_image) // variant has no image, use product default feature image this.featureImage = this.product.featured_image; }, selectVariant() { let variants = this.product.variants; console.log('selectedOptionValues = ' + this.selectedOptionValues); for (let i = 0; i < variants.length; i++) { let variant = variants[i]; if (this.arraysEqual(variant.options, this.selectedOptionValues.filter(this.removeEmptyString))) { this.available = variant.available; this.NotAvailableMsg = this.$i18n.t('message.soldOut'); this.selectedVariantPrice = this.toReadablePrice(variant.price) this.compare_at_price = this.toReadablePrice(variant.compare_at_price) this.setFeatureImage(variant); this.selectedVariantID = variant.id; this.pickedVariant = variant; this.pickedVariantIndex = i; return; } } // cannot find a variant with user selected option. this.available = false; this.NotAvailableMsg = this.$i18n.t('message.unavailable'); }, addVariantToBundle() { if (this.selectedVariantID !== '') { if (!this.pickedVariant.available) { alert(this.$i18n.t('message.alertSoldOut')); return; } this.pickedVariant.featureImage = this.featureImage; this.pickedVariant.selectedVariantPrice = this.selectedVariantPrice; this.pickedVariant.productID = this.product.id; // record which buildrule this variant belongs to this.pickedVariant.buildrulesIndex = this.buildrulesIndex; for (let i=0; i< this.quantity; i++)this.$emit('clicked', this.pickedVariant); this.$emit('reset'); } }, arraysEqual(a, b) { // helper func if (a == null || b == null) return false; if (a.length !== b.length) return false; for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (a[i] != b[i]) return false; } return true; }, removeEmptyString(value) { return value != ''; }, updateQuantity() { if (this.buildrule.operator == ">=") return true console.log('this.pickedVariant', this.pickedVariant); if (this.quantity > this.maxQuantity) this.quantity = this.maxQuantity else if (this.quantity < 1) this.quantity = 1 }, link(event) { if (this.linkDisabled) event.preventDefault() }, addVariantFromQV(variant, quantity) {// console.log('variant', variant) this.pickedVariant = variant; this.quantity = quantity; this.addVariantToBundle(); } }, template: `
[[ $t('message.quickviewIconText') ]]
[[ product.title ]] - [[ product.type ]]
[[ product.variants[0].title ]]
[[ product.vendor ]]
[[ $t('message.quantity') ]]:
[[ currencySymbol ]] [[ compare_at_price ]] [[ currencySymbol ]] [[ selectedVariantPrice ]] [[ currencyCode ]]
` }; vueApp.component('product-card', productCard); const footerBar = { emits: ['deleted', 'addcart', 'opennote'],compilerOptions: { delimiters: ['[[', ']]'], }, props: ['variants', 'buildrules', 'isLoading', 'completedTier', 'nextTier', 'isTier', 'priceWithCurrency'], data() { return { bundlePutToCart: false, showVariantName: true, hide: false, icon_type: icon_type, beacon_color: beacon_color, progressWidth: 0, // width in % } }, watch: { isLoading(val) { if (val) var progressTimer = setInterval(() => { this.progressWidth += 10; if (this.progressWidth >= 100) {this.progressWidth = 100; clearInterval(progressTimer) } }, 1000) }, }, computed: { contrastYIQ() { let r = parseInt(this.beacon_color.substr(1,2),16); let g = parseInt(this.beacon_color.substr(3,2),16); let b = parseInt(this.beacon_color.substr(5,2),16); let yiq = ((r*299)+(g*587)+(b*114))/1000; return (yiq >= 128) ? 'black' : 'white'; }, totalVariants() { return this.variants.length; }, groupedVariants() { let variants = this.variants let reducedArr = variants.reduce((acc, cur) => { if (acc[cur.id]) acc[cur.id].quantity++ else { cur.quantity = 1 acc[cur.id] = cur; } return acc; }, {}); return Object.values(reducedArr); }, showQuantity() { // hide qty when all selected items quantity is 1 return this.totalVariants > 1 && this.groupedVariants.find(variant => variant.quantity > 1); }, itemsLeft() { return this.buildrules.reduce((a, buildrule) => { if (buildrule.optional || buildrule.isCompleted) return a + 0 else if (buildrule.operator === '<=') return a + Math.min(1, buildrule.remaining_quantity) else return a + buildrule.remaining_quantity }, 0); }, buttonTooltip() { if (!this.buildrulesCompleted && !this.isLoading && discount.type != 'TD') return this.$i18n.t('message.addToCartButtonTooltip'); }, buttonText() { if (this.isLoading) return this.$i18n.t('message.loading');// console.log('this.groupedVariants', this.groupedVariants); if (discount.type != 'TD') { if (this.itemsLeft <= 0) { // < 0 is at least, can add more than required, = 0 is any let addToCart = this.$i18n.t('message.addBundleToCart'); return this.bundlePrice ? `${addToCart} (${this.priceWithCurrency(this.bundlePrice)})` : addToCart; } else if (this.itemsLeft == 1) { let brLeft = this.getRemainingBuildrule(); return this.buildrules.length >= 2 && brLeft? this.$i18n.t('message.addMoreFrom', {title: brLeft.title}) : this.$i18n.tc('message.addMore', 1); } else return this.$i18n.tc('message.addMore', 2, {quantity: this.itemsLeft}); } else { // tiered dicounts let tier = this.completedTier let nextTier = this.nextTier // if no completed tier found, find next tier to meet return (tier == -1)? this.$i18n.tc('message.addMore', 2, {quantity: nextTier.quantity - this.totalVariants}) : this.$i18n.t('message.addBundleToCart') + ' (' + this.priceWithCurrency(this.bundlePrice) + ')' } }, totalPrice() { return byob_base_price + this.variants.reduce((a, variant) => a + variant.price / 100.0, 0); }, footerTotalPrice() { return footer_show_total_compare_at_price? this.priceWithCurrency(this.totalCompareAtPrice): this.priceWithCurrency(this.totalPrice) }, totalCompareAtPrice() { return byob_base_price + this.variants.reduce((a, variant) => a + (variant.compare_at_price? variant.compare_at_price: variant.price) / 100.0, 0); }, buildrulesCompleted() { return this.buildrules.every(buildrule => buildrule.isCompleted || buildrule.optional) }, bundlePrice() { let basicDiscount = ['PR', 'PC', 'FA'] if (!this.buildrulesCompleted) return false if (discount) if (basicDiscount.includes(discount.type)) return this.discountedPrice(discount) else if (discount.type == 'TD') { let tier = this.completedTier return this.tierPrice(tier) } else if (discount.type == 'SU') return false else if (discount.type == 'DC') { if (discount.display_discount_type && discount.display_discount_value) { discount.display_discount = { type: discount.display_discount_type, value: discount.display_discount_value } } return discount.display_discount? this.discountedPrice(discount.display_discount) : false; } }, appliedTierDiscount() { let tier = this.completedTier if (tier == -1) tier = this.nextTier if (tier.discount_type == 'PC') return (tier.discount_value)? ' / Save ' + Math.floor(tier.discount_value * 100) / 100 + '%' : ''; else if (tier.discount_type == 'FA') return ' / Save ' + currencySymbol + tier.discount_value else if (tier.discount_type == 'PR') return '' else return '' }, }, methods: { discountedPrice(discount) { if (discount.type == 'PR') return discount.value else if (discount.type == 'PC') return this.totalPrice - this.percentDiscount(this.totalPrice, discount.value) else if (discount.type == 'FA') return this.totalPrice - discount.value }, tierPrice(tier) {if (tier.discount_type == 'PR') return tier.discount_value else if (tier.discount_type == 'PC') return this.totalPrice - this.percentDiscount(this.totalPrice, tier.discount_value) else if (tier.discount_type == 'FA') return this.totalPrice - tier.discount_value }, getRemainingBuildrule() { return this.buildrules.find(buildrule => !buildrule.isCompleted); }, percentDiscount(price, discount_value) { // price: 999 (represent: $9.99) return Math.floor(price * discount_value) / 100 // round down to 2dp, simulate shopify calc }, addBundleToCart() { if (!isPublished) { alert('You cannot add draft bundle to cart! Please turn it to active'); return; } if (typeof beforeBYOBAddtoCart === 'function') { let result = beforeBYOBAddtoCart(this) if (result === 'return') return } // openNoteModal is a variable passed from metafields if (openNoteModal) this.$emit('opennote') else if (discount.type == 'SU') this.$emit('opensubscription') else this.$emit('addcart') }, scroll_left() { let content = document.querySelector(".byob-wrapper"); content.scrollLeft -= 100; }, scroll_right() { let content = document.querySelector(".byob-wrapper"); content.scrollLeft += 100; }, scrollLastCardIntoView() {// let i = this.totalVariants - 1; let i = this.groupedVariants.length - 1; const el = this.$refs['footerCard' + i]; if (el) el.scrollIntoView({behavior: "smooth"}); } },template: `
[[ variant.name ]]
[[ $t('message.totalPrice') ]]:[[ footerTotalPrice ]] [[appliedTierDiscount]]
` }; const ftb = vueApp.component('footer-bar', footerBar); // multi-langual support const i18n = VueI18n.createI18n({ locale: locale, // set locale fallbackLocale: 'en', // set fallback locale messages, // set locale messages compilerOptions: { delimiters: ['[[', ']]'], } }); vueApp.use(i18n); YETT_WHITELIST = [ /unpkg\.com/, /myshopify\.com/, /shopify\.com/, /www\.google-analytics\.com/, /use\.fontawesome\.com/, /cdn\.jsdelivr\.net/, /ajax\.googleapis\.com/, /www\.googletagmanager\.com/, /static\.klaviyo\.com/, /www\.youtube\.com/, /cdnjs\.cloudflare\.com/, /cdn\.lr-ingest\.io/, /cdn\.judge\.me/, /cdn\.rebuyengine\.com/ ]
default body
Frequently Asked Questions Yes. Orders are due on Fridays & Sundays. Orders placed by Friday 11:59pm can be picked up or delivered as soon as that Sunday. Orders placed by Sunday 11:59pm can be picked up as early as Wednesday between 10am-7pm at all locations.
We ship Mon-Thurs (Fridays as well for tri-state New York area). Your order is prepared & shipped within 24 hours of being placed. Orders placed Thursday by 12pm will be prepared Sunday & shipped Monday. We only use next day shipping & your package is secured with temper evident tape, ice bags & bubble pillows.
Yes! all of our locations offer pick ups and are always stocked with fresh meals you can buy them individually if you wish.
Yes! You can walk in & purchase as little as 1 meal or snack at any of our locations.
We currently deliverinNassau & Suffolk counties on long island, but we also offer deliveriesall across the USincluding NYC & the boroughs.
Local delivery fee for Suffolk & Nassau is$15 &anywhere in the USis either$25 or$45 depending on the speed you prefer.
Nassau, & Suffolk Counties receive deliveries on Sundays & Wednesdays. If you selected Long Island delivery, you'll get a text when they're on their way. If you selected store pickup, we'll contact you via email when your meals are ready for pickup. If you selected shipping, you'll get an email when your order has shipped. Delivery can be made if you are not home.
It shouldn't be too much of a problem as our meals are protected with an insulated package. You can always contact us though if you're worried about your meals.
There's an order minimum in order to get the tiered meal discount. Minimum orders need to be 10 or more.
Meals can be frozen. Sauces that come on the side separately must be taken out before freezing.
They can be frozen up to 3 months & must be thawed out before consumption.
All items will arrive with expiration dates with a minimum of a 7 day expiration after receiving.
How to reheat the meals: Simply peel the vacuum sealed corner off, remove any/if sauce on the side. Microwave for 2 minutes or to desired temperature.
Nutrition facts on all meals, overnight oats and Buffins are per 1 serving, other products may vary. Please check the nutrition facts on the product images.